Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Narration & title

While waiting at the Honda dealership this morning I wrote/rewrote the narration for the film. I moved away from the noir-style narration and am going for the sound of someone thinking to themselves in whispers. Something like La Jettee. So parts of the narration will be clear and other parts whispery and obscured. I didn't think of it until now, but this seems to match my interest in obscured text. Some of you have seen my gallery of fake Chinese writing on my other site. More recently I put up a gallery of visual gibberish.

I'm thinking of having a typewriter type out the short ending monologue. Yes, a lot of reading in this film. I hope it doesn't feel like it though. I'm really sensitive to not overloading the thing with text. It's like I have every variation of text in the film—scanned words, spoken words, dialogue (very short), voice over, handwriting and now typewriter writing. The only thing I'm missing is subtitles.

When working on the narration I ended up deciding that the spinner spins for a thousand days before things start happening. That had a nice sound to it and is pretty close to 1095 days which is what I had earlier (365 days x 3). I think I got that from the old Genvieve Bujold/Richard Burton movie Anne of a Thousand Days, the story of the romance between King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. I watched the film when I was living in England years ago and thought it was terribly romantic. I saw parts of it again not too long ago. This time I thought it screened like a soap opera. I've been searching for a new title for the film since "Noise the sound of ferrite in motion" seems too long and too obscure (everyone goes "what's that?" and not in a good way). What do you think of "Noise of a thousand days?" Again, the main idea here is to make the title unique enough so that an internet search is easy. It's sort of a marketing thing. I also thought of spelling variations like Nois, Noyz, and Noisz. But those don't seem right. Calling it "noise film" seems to have stuck but obviously that's a dumb name.


Anonymous said...

"noise of a thousand days" has a ring to it. btw, one of dan's suggestions for my old project was "unreliable subtitles", i thought that was a clever idea.

admin said...

I asked Dan about an idea for titles but he didn't have any. I'm also thinking of DAY 999, or NOISE, DAY 999 or something like that.