Saturday, June 02, 2007

What I'm after

I'm still not exactly sure what I want our final product to look like. But I do have an idea of how to get there. I'm not sure if what I want qualifies as drama or not. Or whether I'm after "good" drama (vs. bad drama). I like the look of art films, but I don't often find them engaging. Art films are great at setting mood, but then the mood doesn't seem to go anyplace. But there's something about the look of a film that's important. I'm going for a certain kind of clarity. There is an underlying structure that supports the film. But I'm not concerned that audiences understand every image and every sequence. That's one of the things I like about George Lucas' films (which he acknowledges). You watch them and much of time, you're not sure what's happening but you do know that there is an internal logic at work. I do like David Mamet's idea that film is a sequence of uninflected shots. I like the idea of trying to do away with technique. At the same time, I don't want the film to be a transparent window to a performance. I really like Mamet's conception of dialogue as a light dusting that supports images.

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