Saturday, June 09, 2007

Eaton Canyon shoot

Yesterday we shot from about 2 to 4 at Eaton Canyon which is standing in for the desert. The area we used is about 40 yards away from the parking lot. It would be easy an walk except we were all wary of finding rattlesnakes.

Ben was talking on his cellphone between shots. When he wasn't needed Erik was just waiting around. Just like a big budget shoot. The footage cuts pretty well together. One wide shot is slightly out of focus. It's the first time I've been out of focus. The lens is also dirty. Maybe they're related; you can see the dirty lens because the shot is out of focus. Fortunately it was windy. It makes a big difference. Now I know why productions use those gigantic wind fans. The wind, and Ben's comment that we were shooting a "showdown," made me realize that this scene is a bit like a Western: a showdown between Ben and the shrine. All we were missing was tumbleweeds.

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