Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bridge sequence notebook pages (Ben read this!)

Here are the preliminary notebook pages for the bridge sequence. You have to imagine them with a bit of handwriting on them. I'm hoping to shoot this sequence on Friday (Ben are you listening?). Last time I made pages like this he said, "that doesn't look something I (my character) would make." So complain now or hold your peace. Know anyone with a manual or even an electric typewriter? Typing would make the pages look a lot better. The text for these pages is adapted from Wikipedia which is free for any sort of use. The Latin "noli me tangere" means, "don't touch me," as in "I have things I must do." The moons in the tangere image are by Galileo. Apparently he had art lessons and was quite an accomplished watercolorist. The eye in the top image is a weird extrapolation of the spinner shape. It was originally going to be a complex clue, but now it just serves as a background image. I will probably make one more page, a cosmology page.

I plan on printing some of these images directly onto the grid notebook paper. Some other images will be taped/pasted on or a transparency. Why are the images printed directly on the notebook? Is it because Ben is a printer? Actually, I just like the way they look. You can make up whatever rationalization you want.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you're going to make these less tidy? The multiple layers and computer drawn shapes, such as the eye, don't fit. He goes from this kind of research to taping data tape together with scotch tape? Where's the mania??