Saturday, July 21, 2007

What I'm watching

You may have noticed that I haven't posted anything about movies lately. There are a couple of reasons for that. First, there don't seem to be many July releases for items I'm following. So my Netflix cue has been filled with stuff for other people (e.g., Spongebob). The next films I'm looking forward to seeing are 300 and The Number 23. I guess this is number month.

Second, since I'm doing post-production grunt work, I don't need to look at any movies for reference. Probably the last thing I saw was Walking with Monsters by the BBC with Sean. I thought the CG was incredible except for the animation. Then I found out that all the stuff I thought was so impressive was actually real: landscapes and practical model closeups. In other words, the only CG was the creature animation which wasn't that great.

One thing I might watch soon is K. Gordon Murray's Santa Claus which is sitting on my desk. It looks positively freaky.


Anonymous said...

I saw a fun professor movie the other day, "The Last Time". It's actually about a hardboiled salesman (Michael Keaton), but a little while into it you find out he used to teach literature at Northwestern, then burned out cause he cared too much, something about watering each blade of grass...

admin said...

Yes, professors... we just care too much. Speaking of professor movies, I did see part of one the other week. It was called "Who's Camus anyway?"... a Japanese film about a bunch of Cal Arts-style film students working on their horror movie. Check out the super-long intro shot. Their film prof, who lost his wife, becomes charmingly obsessed with one of the students. Yeesh.