Friday, July 06, 2007


I previewed another rough cut today, version NOISE-31. It's nice seeing the film in full 853 x 480 resolution. It's so much clearer than the 500 x 280 size I normally use. My sister said it doesn't look like it took three years to make. She also said it looks like an art film because it doesn't have dialogue. Gene said it has a good emotional quality but he was unable to hear the whispery VO because his hearing aid amplifies sibilance. Sylvia said she didn't know what it's about but liked it. Ben wasn't here today. He just disappeared without notice. I hope he shows up sometime because he has one more scene to shoot. I'm still in the process of making the film a little more understandable. For me, the information-heavy parts of the film are the most interesting—the beginning and the end. The middle part with the "everyday life" and desert scene is kind of boring. It's purposefully so, but I'm wondering if the middle is too boring. I think I still need to put some thinking space in the film for people to reflect on the dense, information-heavy areas.

I'm still thinking about how to show Ben's bloody hand. I spent some time looking through the CDC Image Database but wasn't able to find anything useful. Maybe I'll take some b/w stills of Ben's hand in various stages of decomposition using makeup effects. Strangely, we were talking about diseases and disfiguration today because Sean is in a stage where he wants me to paint and fix all the tiny blemishes on his toys.

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