Thursday, June 19, 2008

When the last shot is the last shot... almost

Yesterday David and I shot the last scene at the storefront. It went well and cuts OK. Except for an optional pickup or two, I'm done shooting. Version 68 is so much clearer than it was before. Doing those other pick up shots was worthwhile. We found out that when David put his beanie on he looked like a street person. So we nixed that for the walk by.

There's an expression that goes "you don't finish a picture as much as have it taken away from you." In our case, however, the completed portions feel pretty complete. I'm not very good at locking the edit, but some portions that have stayed exactly the same for months. So I might be able to lock the entire film soon.

I've been experimenting with the production pipeline. Today I tried an export with Frames. It took longer than I remembered. Maybe I should down rez before exporting? Amazingly, though, the resulting footage was very clear. It looked like I had cleaned the screen. The deartifacting works well apparently.

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