Sunday, June 08, 2008

The dum dum club

The film is now like a kernel of a film, super dense, like a blackhole. So now I'm expanding it here and there to give it more breathing room. The 'dream sequence' still needs to be longer so that Ben's descent into madness is more gradual. I need to stretch out the time before the broken spinner, so it's not too abrupt, and is more dramatic. Finally, I need to extend the scene where Ben thinks about the At Turning's End clue. At that point, there needs to be a stronger moment, a stronger sense of why Ben is going to the desert. If this were a Hollywood film, he would see At Turning's End. Then Ben would walk around seeing clues all around him. Go to the desert. Go to the desert. It would end up being like The Number 23. Or that Simpson's episode where Homer is reminded over and over about the stupidity of people—The Dum Dumb club, Lunkheadz, The Disney Store. I think I'm just going to expand the clue assembly, to give more weight to the moment.

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