Sunday, June 08, 2008

Plant for the edit

Yesterday I took a break and worked in the yard a bit. My approach to gardening is the same as my approach to filmmaking or art—it all comes out of editing. I just plant things and if they grow, fine. If they don't, I move them or let them die. Then, if I discover a plant is getting too big I move it. A sprinkler expert came over the house a couple of months ago and said, "this bush is going to get big, and the lantana is going to sprawl" implying that I had planted them in the wrong places. So I replanted the bush, using it to replace the plumbago that I didn't like. If the lantana gets too big, I'll move it too. The yard is in a state of flux. The goal is to get everything in place before the plants get too big.

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