Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Now that I've had time to think about ideas like objectives and obstruction, I've begun to think about how they apply to noise film. First, we didn't fall into The Rescuers trap. In The Rescuers, everything works until the gem is found. Then there is no longer conflict. The girl wants to go home to the orphanage. Mme. Medusa has her gem. What's the problem? The movie is basically over at this point. So they do the "hide the gem in the teddy bear" thing. In noise film, the objective of the two protagonists is directly opposed. Ben wants to discover a secret. The 'mysterious entity' wants the secret kept. Ben's reasons for discovering the secret could be stronger—curiosity is not a strong motivation. The entity's reasons for wanting to keep the secret are sound. The ending makes sense but is not obvious. I'd say that the overall structure is OK except for the weakness of Ben's motivation. The desert scene also seems a little complex. I need to bring some clarity to that. From the research scene on, I think we're OK. Essentially abstract. Lose the audience. That's OK. But until then, they have to know what's happening.

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