Friday, March 28, 2008

A Turning's End

There are several places where I'm happy with the edit so I don't talk about them much. One place is when Ben discovers the clue that takes him out to the desert. He drops the box down on the stairs, notices something on the box, and then we cut to a shot where he's thinking in silhouette, bathed in light (above). The whole sequence works well for me. If you look closely above you may notice that the area near Ben's hand looks a little weird and retouched. That's because he was holding the clue paper and in the next shot I wanted to shoot the clue flat on the box—a continuity error. So I masked out the paper. I'm not sure how the shot will end up, but what digital technology does is give you a way to deal with those pesky continuity errors w/o reshooting.

I'm rethinking the clue that's on the box since I decided to deemphasize the perpetual motion idea. The new clue would be an advert for a film or a play called A(t) Turning's End/The End of Turns. One of the captions will read, "The Stars Shine in/Come out" followed by a list of actors including our favorite, Kurt von Stroud, the Dutch Dreamboat. The new clue emphasizes the demise of the spinner (turning's end) and the appearance of the crystalline stars (watch the stars come out) instead of perpetual motion. I think it streamlines the story and makes more sense.

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