Sunday, March 30, 2008


I took Sean to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana today. It's more of a carnival than a museum—games and diversions, ala carte pricing, a giant walk-through dinosaur and Fang Yang's bubble show spectacular. Somehow I thought the bubble show was going to be Chinese acrobatics with bubbles. Actually, it was like a Las Vegas lounge act or something you used to see on the Ed Sullivan show after the plate spinners. The giant walk-in dinosaur gave me the idea that it would be nice to put one in a movie. The one at Santa Ana was exposed on the sides so you didn't feel trapped inside of it. I guess I wanted to go inside the dinosaur and find something creepy and carnivalesque like crude paper mache sculptures of the heart and other organs, or maybe caveman that the dinosaur ate. I know there's a walk-in dinosaur in Pee Wee's Big Adventure, but I feel they remain underutilized as sets!

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