Friday, April 13, 2007


For some reason my last post didn't take. Shot Wed. nite with Erik for 3 hours, 10:30 to 1:30am. The first hour was devoted to our big drama shot where the camera flies past the world globe and the spinner. It's a weird shot because it actually looks like a strange visual effect or a composite. The rest of the evening just shot pickups and boring stuff. It was quick and easy except when the spinner was involved. We are hoping, nay praying, that we never have to set the spinner spinning again.

Shot the bouncy rubber stars that I got from the 99 cent store. They didn't look as good as I had hoped. They were just too stubby. Ben's narration is "stars...." but you will see transparent stubs. So I think I'll go back to the Christmas decorations. Thanks goodness, in a way. The Christmas decorations cost me $24 which is exorbitant, but they're exactly what I wanted. I should do a slide show of the various stars I tried—homemade, ice, candy, rubber...

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