Saturday, April 21, 2007

So where's the satellite?

As you recall, this was Ben and Erik's first question upon seeing the world globe footage. That shot was supposed to look like a space scene recreated. You'd see the stars from the spinner. Then you'd see a world globe and a model satellite in the workroom and then the spinner itself. The idea was to create the sense that we were flying in from space past a potentially malevolent satellite right to the spinner. At any rate, I nixed the satellite because I didn't have time to build the model and I couldn't find an inexpensive pre-built model.

The way it turns out, Sean has been bugging me to make the Revell Vostok model he found in the closet so that's what we did today. I bought the Vostok to use as a stand in for a satellite. I really wanted to use a model of Sputnik but amazingly, I couldn't find one after looking for months. Despite the fact that the Vostok was a one-person spacecraft, it still visually looks like Sputnik, especially if you display only the spherical portion. Building the model you get a sense of the MRI-like conditions within the craft. It's really small. An interesting fact about the Vostok era spaceships was that the astronaut did not land inside the craft. After reentry, the astronaut ejected from the falling craft and parachuted down in an ejection capsule. That had to be a terrifying experience.

So maybe I'll try to convince Erik to reshoot that sequence with the Vostok model. That's if I can figure out what color to paint it and if Sean doesn't break the antennas off of it first.

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