Met Dan in a five hour meeting today though it didn't seem long at all. We went through the film structure again after taking a look at the current draft (assembly 2). Need to run these by Ben and the guys.
>Likes the Rube Goldberg Something for Nothing narration as does Ben. Use under pics of perpetual motion machines, books, beauty shots, etc.
>Prefigure the surveillance camera shot.
>Punctuate Ben's finding of the broken spinner.
>Spinner dead=broken in half
>In surveillance shots, there's a burst of static then the spinner drops. The shadow doesn't work. Make more mysterious.
>Make it clear that Ben tries different approaches to fixing the spinner. Maybe spark of soldering near crystal, Ben in glasses, the spinner falls... "And each trial ends up in error..."
>Ideas for narration:
[They say that] every cloud has a silver lining, every dog has his day, and that Jesus rose from the dead. But sometimes, it's just worth saving something....
>Make it clear that Ben tries different approaches.
>Show Ben covering spinner. Maybe POV shot then fade to black.
"The romance of everyday life"
>Ben's eating breakfast. Gets ready to go to work. Maybe Gracie calls out "Ben don't you have to go to work today? Ben, it's time to go to work..., or Ben, it's almost 8. OK..."
Some sample dialogue/narration:
Get dressed. Eat. Go to work.
Eggs as usual. Today, salsa and coffee black.
Catch the 27
>More humble storefront?
>Reshoot Ben finding the clue. Maybe he draws on it. Then he walks up the stairs.
>The clue should be here. It needs to contain a map that extends into the shadows. It says "Infinite Motion" Nevada.
>Emphasize Ben getting cut.
>Emphasize Ben looking at the Memex. Make it stationary. He needs to fully concentrate.
>Emphasize the cut. Maybe it is bandaged and really black. Maybe there are ants. Make more disturbing...
"Pre/early red room scene"
>Ben taking the ex nihilo images. Puts them together. Adds weird cheesy images. Fast food. Pizza. McDonalds. Now images flash by behind them. Blood circulating. Strange items and codes. Green screen?
Red room:
>Emphasize the wide shot of the red room. Give us time to take it in.
>Make the tape clue assembly more step by step.
>Maybe the currently fast-motion section should be regular motion.
>Prefigure the burning house.
>Put Gracie back in
>Type in the codex video should be more ransom note-like.
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