Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sin City, Stars, Burning Twine, Spiderman 3, The hair arc,

There's nothing certain except death and taxes and that the DVD extra you watch will talk about how great the director is. I watched a bit of the loaded Sin City DVD. Lots of interesting extras including a 10 minute segment in which you can see Quentin Tarantino directing ("you're trying to be cool.. just BE cool").... great, what kind of direction is that? Then last night I shot the falling stars by myself and tonight I shot the microscope stars. Having better lighting makes the stars look a lot better (and hopefully, a little less like Christmas decorations). I better get used to working by msyelf. Once I really get into post it will be ALL me. I really don't think posting will be all that hard, but my ability to calculate schedules leaves something to be desired. The fun thing will be showing the work in progress to the guys, but they weren't particularly impressed with the it-took-an-hour-to-shoot spinner flythrough shot. All I got was "where's the satelllite?" (In the pre vis there was a satellite, but I could never find the sputnik model I wanted at a price I could afford.) Ben also said that the speed change should be a ramp and not a cut. Sharp eyes there Ben. Next time don't look so close.

Burning twine refers to Wednesday's shoot. I forgot to write about our semi-dramatic event. Ben, if you're reading, skip to the next paragraph. We tried to mount the 500 watt Omni from the ceiling using string. But the string burned through. Fortunately, the light was attached well enough so that the unit didn't fall. Spiderman 3 refers to the newest trailer that starts with Topher Grace in the church. What's up with that church scene? I just didn't get the tone... was Grace being serious or what?

We're planning on shooting some of Ben's last pickups/B roll on Friday which reminds me I have to send him photos for hair continuity. If you watch the Star Wars ep. III DVD, they're always talking about hair continuity. After working with Ben, I'm wondering if they mean beard continuity? Having to keep both head hair and facial hair in continuity is not as easy as it seems. Right now we have a sort-of "hair arc" in which Ben is clean cut at the beginning and more bedraggled at the end.

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