It's interesting using the 24" monitor. At times I feel like George Lucas sitting in front of his plasma screen while directing. At other times I feel like I'm in a studio of the future—a studio I couldn't have imagined when we used to edit at MetroPost in Austin for $250/hour. But most of the time, it just feels... normal.
What's weird is looking at the noise film footage. I'm seeing everything in much greater detail. One of my visual effects shots is terrible. You can see the ripply line where I erased things. No one will notice it unless they're looking for it but I didn't even see it on my old monitor. Grain is much more apparent on the new screen. On another shot I found I was able to see brush strokes on the shrine prop. The color is very consistent with the old screen, however. No surprises.
I've also been playing around with Apple's Soundtrack. The cinematic stuff is good—as good as or better than the royalty-free pieces I've been listening to on the web.
Now I have to decide whether I want to color correct in Color. Not the easiest thing to learn, partially because of the interface, but mostly because color-correcting is time-consuming and kind of hard.
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