Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Help me solve two problems!

If there's anything filmmaking is about, it's solving problems. Here are two that are stumping me. Anyone have solutions? First, it's the Ben hair problem. Ben cut his hair and now I want to shoot a pickup scene with the dead bird. How can we do this without waiting several months for his hair to grow back? His face appears only in two shots. There's a reaction shot, a close up, and one long lens shot where he walks toward the camera. I told Ben that his hair doesn't have to match exactly, that this scene comes right after seeing the shrine in the desert so he should be like Moses coming down from Sinai. Remember Charlton Heston? He comes down from the mountain and now he looks older and has a white beard (at least that's how I remember it). Hair, it is a real problem.

My other problem is the very last shot. In the previous sequence Ben has been typing about his dilemma and I want to find a way to visualize it. The idea is to show how Ben's ideas are being ignored. I've had a lot of previous ideas for this shot—paper blowing down a street, people walking past Ben's flyer ignoring it, Ben talking to someone on a phone and the camera dollies along the wires and then to smoke rising from the top of a building, camera tilts up to a starry sky. None of these ideas seems quite right. Ideally I want a shot of individual letters scattering and floating away but I can't find a way to rationalize a shot like that. My most recent ideas have bordered on the ridiculous—Ben eating alphabet soup and then he stirs the soup. A little help please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A quick trip to the Wig City will solve all your problems!