Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ben don't cut your hair & cooling down shots

Just a note to Ben—DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR! I really want to get those shots ASAP.

Another in a long series of entries that I should label "oh no, more color correction blathering." I've been trying to find the best way to cool down shots. All the procedures that I used so far weren't working well. I think the problem is that these approaches were "canned"—that is, you apply the same recipe regardless of what the footage looks like. The results haven't been very satisfactory so I tried another approach which is to desaturate the appropriate channels or colors. I know this is a common way to go about it, but I've never done before. In the image on the bottom, I desaturated the yellows and then crushed the blacks. It came out pretty well I thought. So this is one of those (many) times where how you describe an effect looks different from how you create it. In my mind I was thinking that the image needs to look more "blue." But in reality, it needed to look "less yellow."

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