Friday, February 02, 2007

Battle of the fonts

A lot to write about today, but here's a post about fonts. I just spent about two hours looking for fonts for the film. There are two fonts needed—one for the portable Memex and one for the subtitles in the ending exposition video. It's interesting what seems to work. I must have gone through about 50 or more bitmap or video game fonts thinking that those would look the best. They do work for the Memex I think. But for the subtitles, the ones that look the best are faces that look like old electric typewriters. Sure Univers is prettier, but that MS Gothic font is almost perfectly clutzy, like a font ball for an IBM Selectric gone bad. I love the monospaced look. Look at the overall 'color' of the face. Those Ms and Ws are like dark blotches, squeezed in to fit. And the spacing between the "T" and the "I" is perfectly horrible... or horribly perfect. Compare to the Univers which is so beautiful and even. In this case, truth before beauty. MS Gothic wins hands down. Of the two video game fonts I think I prefer joystick. It looks a little less blotchy.

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