Sunday, February 04, 2007

The ElectriClerk

No, this isn't the portable Memex, but a prop from a really interesting site I found [link]. This Brazil-inspired fully-functional Mac SE/typewriter was designed for an HP Lovecraft society role-playing game. These guys are really serious. On the game site you'll find downloadable historically accurate paper props along with some custom-created and free-to-download fonts. You'll also find a trailer for a nice-looking b/w film these guys did. I like the ElectriClerk prop but I also like how homely ours looks in comparison. We're like the Ugly Betty of the prop industry.

The ElectriClerk site popped up while I was doing research on exposed CRTs. I'm trying to think of how I can make an exposed CRT prop like they did in Brazil. But I'm also a little scared since touching the back of an exposed CRT can kill you. Our tech Brian said he got a shock from one when he was a kid and it threw him across the room.

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