Friday, February 09, 2007

Blogging with impunity

We're in a lull while waiting for things to fall in place. David's constructing some props for the red room while Ben grows his beard. We're testing the bird-in-the-windshield on Tuesday. I have the eye for the shrine redesign out for bid from Pololu. I found a world globe at Sean's school. I think they'll let me borrow it. Everything at that school is vintage down to their Bontempi toy fan organ.

I was watching Pi which is a pretty good model for our film. A guy becomes obsessed with a gadget that discloses a world-changing secret! Lots of voice over too. In terms of the theme, however, it's totally different. And in terms of presentation... Pi is so clear. You always know where you are. Everything is outlined and described in great detail. In comparison, our effort is like one long fuzzy montage... things fading in and out and overlapping. It's almost like ours is done in quasi-realtime, somewhere between a montage and the real time of conventional films. I think that's what makes it so sleep-inducing. You can also see such a difference in film grammar fluency. Pi is very fluent. Ours looks like someone struggling to learn a language. Being fluent is fine. But I also like the sense of watching something struggle into existence.

The title of this post comes from Ben who says that's what I do.

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