Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Connecting old TVs to a DVD player

Everyone thinks it's easy to attach video to a TV screen in post. Actually, it's easy to do, but it's tough to make it look real. So I always opt to shoot real screens (usually fed by a DVD player). But what if your cool vintage TV lacks RCA ins? If you remember, at one time I was researching low-power TV broadcast units (about $100). But I double-checked with our tech Brian and he confirmed that you can connect a DVD player to an old pre-cable TV using the antenna connectors. You just need an RF modulator (cheap, see above picture). Even though I have two RF modulators lying around I haven't tried it yet, but it's an ideal solution. On a side note, remember Claire? I think she did some of the motion tracking to map images to the TVs in Superman Returns.

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