My parents and sister are visiting for Thanksgiving so the rough first six minutes of the film is getting the "normal person" test. The comments are pretty consistent and include, "Ben is very photogenic," "where's the dialogue?" and the video "looks nice." Kim had the most interesting comment: "it looks like Harry Potter." When I asked her to explain she said it had "Harry Potter" special effects." Hmmm. I think of Harry Potter films as having lots of CGI and compositing. We have a spinner floating on a thread. Kim didn't seem too impressed with the stars. "What are those, Christmas decorations?" I'm still hoping the stars scene will work. My dad thought it was a period piece because of the radio. "When does this take place, in the fifites?" Kim said it looks like maybe the sixties or seventies. I told her what Dad said and she said, "No, look at Ben's hair!"
Other comments on the footage from other "normal people"--upon seeing the desert scene, my niece said, "It looks like some kind of mystery." Someone else said, "hey, it looks like a real movie!"
So I guess what we have is a mid-century supernatural mystery film with no dialogue that looks like a real movie. That doesn't sound so bad, but also none of these people have any idea what the film is about. It is possible that we will have to include more information at some point (text scroll, voice over). But we'll see.
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