Saturday, November 04, 2006

"All patterns contain a message" — trailer, The Number 23

Like the character in our film, I am becoming obsessed, seeing traces of our project in everything around me. Now, a few days after reading about Fissures, I saw the trailer for The Number 23, Jim Carrey's new film in which he plays a man who sees the number 23 in everything and becomes convinced that it holds a special meaning for his life. [VIEW TRAILER] Note the obligatory obsessed writing/crazy person's lair image above which is taken from the trailer. I suppose the proliferation of these cryptological, pattern-solving films comes from the datacentric nature of our culture. It makes sense that more and more films will veer toward the manipulation of information in which the boundaries between representation and reality become blurred. Curiously, this makes academic life increasingly heroic since a huge part of what we do is navigate information.

A list off the top of my head:

Blow Up [photography]
The Conversation [sound]
Blow Out [sound]
The Matrix [software]
The da Vinci Code [theology/cryptology]

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