Friday, January 26, 2007

v. 5 structure & voice overs

In my other life which intersects with my filmmaking life I've been writing Photoshop tutorials for class. In a composition, if you get the underlying structure, you can make pretty much anything work (see previous post). Also been thinking about the voice over I added. It's really not bad considering I wrote it this morning in about 20 minutes. It reminds me a lot of Sin City and La Jette. Interestingly, both of these time-based pieces have their origins in the 2D world—Sin City as the Frank Miller graphic novel and La Jette as the product of photographer Chris Marker. Why would 2D people find it natural to think in terms of voice overs? I don't think it's a coincidence, but I'm not sure why I believe that. In terms of structure, I put the two long VOs over the montages. Over the "real time" scenes, there are just a few words of VO. I like David Mamet's idea that in film, there should just be the lightest dusting of dialogue. Although to me, there seems to be nothing talkier than a David Mamet film.

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