Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Still thinking...

Images from The Black Cat (1934)

Been thinking for the past three days how to make the laundry room scene work. Tried shadowy stuff. Did a bunch of camera and compositing tests. Newspapered the windows. Spent some time observing birds at Petco. Fast forwarded through The Black Cat with Lugosi and Karloff. Lugosi looks like he's on stage. Karloff is stoic, paradoxical, menacing, very contemporary. Directed AND designed by Edgar G. Ulmer. It's the old "stop at a rainy house at night" plot but with a house that looks like it's designed by Marcel Breuer. Been reading Mackendrick's On Filmmaking, a great book. Bailed halfway through Heinlein's Space Cadet which reads like a Boy's Life feature article from the fifties. The iPhone debuted today. The amount of time we've spent on this half-finished film + 6 months was enough to create that thing. Watched Mike Judge's Idiocracy. It was funny. Surprisingly good production value and effects. Why did Fox dump it?

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