Here's the latest version of the Rosetta Stone clue that I hope to shoot on Friday. It's part of a series of transparencies that leads Ben off the deep end. It probably doesn't look like much here. I hope it looks like more when we shoot it.
This evening's entertainment was The Yin and Yang of Mr. Go, a dollar store find. What can I say? I thought Frequency was weird. This was really really weird. Starring a was-he-ever-really-that-young Jeff Bridges and a was-he-ever-really-that-broke James Mason, this quirky B-ploitation film was directed by Burgess "The Penguin" Meredith who also plays a small role as a Chinese acupuncturist. Frontal nudity, lesbian rape, an anti-nuclear computer, blown-out VHS-to-DVD transfer and Shake Sauvage-vibed music—this one has cult favorite written all over it. The closest thing I can compare it to is Nancy Kwan's Wonder Women which I actually saw at the theater in Waikiki. But there's not enough skin or gloom and doom rays to make it work on any level. The twenty or so minutes I spent fast forwarding through this one suggests I should really consider getting my cable TV reconnected.
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