Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Noise day at Waikiki beach / Aunty's apartment

Stock image of San Souci beach. We hung out near the lifeguard stand where some guy was playing a ukulele.

In a moment of independent short film synchronicity, Ben, Gracie and I went to Waikiki beach yesterday along with various spouses, sisters in law and kids. I knew I would think of the perfect thing to shoot only after I arrived here. My aunty's apartment near Ala Moana would make a great location for Ben's place. It's a marvel of low-cost forties/fifties design. Done in that acidic blue/green color that I'm so fond of, it features old window frost style formica countertops, brown linoleum tile flooring and varnished, exposed particleboard. I've come to realize that all my production design ideas come from growing up here: the acidic colors, the run-down mid-century design with exposed wiring, the small, pre-condo era apartments and workplaces rendered through the haze of nostalgia and memory.

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