Thursday, April 02, 2009

RE: Convert noisefilm to Super 8 test

Untitled from ron s on Vimeo.

The guy from the lab emailed me today and said that the first kinescope didn't come out well. It was too dark and there was too little detail so he had to reprocess the film. Yes, FILM. Still, he uploaded a copy so I could see it (see above). I was trembling like a 12 year old opening a copy of Penthouse when I started it up in Quicktime player. The result was... interesting. It really does look like Super-8 or at least the super 8 of my memory, only blotchier. I love the jitter (or is that judder?). The indoor stuff is dark, but the outdoor shot came out OK. There's a lot of grain. I can see using this approach for other projects. Much easier than shooting actual Super-8.


Unknown said...

It has potential

Anonymous said...

wow, i can't believe how different it seems. i wonder if people would interpret the events or the plot differently?