Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sarah Palin and 35mm adapters

If noise film were Sarah Palin, it would now be railing against the elitest use of 35mm adapters (see earlier post) promoting, instead, an aesthetic of chromatic aberrations and infinite depth of field. In this lenticular class struggle, standard lenses would be the province of Joe Video Production, a tool for those who exist outside a powerful cultural elite. Yes, 35mm lenses enable the use of high falutin' film grammar like rack focuses but this grammar is grounded in a culture of specialization. You can't be a rugged individualist and drag along a focus puller at the same time! But noise film isn't Palin because it accepts the viability of 35mm lenses. Rather than attacking lens adapters, it wonders aloud whether its own visual and textual qualities are sufficient to make it watchable believing, in the end, that the heart can ultimately prevail.

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