Sunday, May 25, 2008

Getting out early & The Life Aquatic

I always seem to want films to end earlier. I liked Iron Man, but if I were making it, I'd probably just have him walking around in the Mark 1 suit for the entire movie. I would have liked Speed Racer better if it ended just before the final race. That would be pretty much the same as the noise film ending. I saw Wes Anderson's Life Aquatic last night. I would have liked that one better without the tacked-on denouement.

The Life Aquatic was nice. It was kind of like The Mighty Ducks (rag tag team of losers make good) with exquisite taste and an enormous attention paid to detail. Maybe less of a movie and more like a massage in which waves of thought and feeling roll over you. I was surprised to find a single film with so many of the kinds of things I respond to—fake sea creatures, theatrical sets, 50's tech machinery, a controlled emotional tone, and an absurd sense of humor. It made me wonder why none of my ideas are heart-warming and life-affirming.

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