Monday, July 07, 2008

Dan's notes on Alpha 77

>Record VO for end segment and possibly segue into VO which then turns into noise. Possibly cut out from end typing earlier to create clearer connection from typing to flyer.

>Take out, "crow, a symbol of death," but he liked the other text about being called and haunted.

>Delete "over-unity effects" VO.

>Intro needs some kind of VO to set up later VO. Could be Ben mumbling, like "input .01 volts..." etc. etc.

>Slow down slow motion star bounce.

>Make slow zoom to spinner upon first appearance longer.

>Longer dissolve to cloud. Make that section feel like "morphing weirdness."

>Make desert VO more directed since Ben seems to be charging ahead

>Make flashbacks longer.

>Sounds needed: tape recorder, typing

>Make clouds glitchy?

>Make zoom out from star on desert ground longer.

>He liked all the "conjecture/question" text.

>Supported idea of adding the new VO to make ending clearer in terms of backstory.

>Change codex VO line to something like "obscured by physics."

>At end also suggested many more flyers "filling up the windows."

>Restore overlapping audio for microfiche scene.

>Felt overall structure makes sense. Noted that each segment (stars/mystery/bad thing) gets longer and longer which is appropriate.

>He liked the reaction to the dead bird since Ben didn't totally freak out, but treated the bird as an odd, awesome but not totally horrific event. As director, I took credit for this.

BTW, Dan said he's starting on the scoring/sound design next week.

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