Wednesday, October 10, 2007

CQ: Director, direct the audience!

Still waiting on Dan before continuing work on our film. On a side note, I checked out Photoshop CS3/After Effects CS3. What Adobe calls the perspective grid is actually a form of photogrammetry which could prove very useful for our project. You can take a photo, input perspective information then you can do some simple camera moves on the now 2.5D photo in After Effects. Very nice for exteriors.

Tonight I watched the beginning of Roman Coppola's CQ, which is about the making of a Barbarella-esque go go spy film. I watched the first 20 minutes or so and it seemed like it was going to be one of those indy-vibed, pining from afar, work-simulates-life-simulates-work things. So I just stopped watching it. I realized that a director has to control an audience's expectations. Coppola set me up so I believed I knew exactly where the film was going and how it was going to end. So there was nothing to do but turn it off. Whether I was right or wrong is immaterial. The point is I really thought I knew where it was going.

This contrasts with Zhang Yimou's Hero. One of the things I love about the film is the way that Yimou sets you up to believe that the film is going in one direction. Then he takes it in a totally different direction. Once he does that, he's got me. I'll sit through the whole thing because he proved that he's my master.


Anonymous said...

Stockholm syndrome

admin said...

I'm sure someone has a book about that.