Monday, March 19, 2007

That thing has so many holes you could drive a pickup through it

Went to Ben's and shot some pickups today. I hate shooting this stuff. It takes so long and it's so uninteresting, like buying socks. The underground shot came out great. I'm finding that what the jib is good for is not those panoramic shots so much, but shots like this that need to be smooth. It's also a good substitute for dollying and easier to set up. The jib shot we did today is where the camera goes down through the floor and reveals the gas line. We did it tons of times before we realized that it would be better to shoot it backwards. That way, when you reverse the shot, the camera stops nicely. I also shot some b-roll and that was it for today. BTW, the name of this post is how you would badmouth someone's foosball defense.

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