There were two ideas that enabled me to start on this project: narrative & bracketing. I don't know much about stories and I don't seem too interested in drama. But what I like about narratives is the idea that they are a tradable means by which we try to understand the world (see "no one cares about your stupid dreams" for more on this idea).
Bracketing comes from thinking about design. I suspect that design functions on one's ability to bracket out certain background features of the work. For example, using a computer to design a poster on ecological concerns involves bracketing out the problematic ecological concerns of using computers (mercury, PCBs, third world reclamation, etc.) themselves. The idea is not to let problematic concerns become transparent but to consciously set them aside so that we can pay attention to the content/narrative. Therefore, I guess this isn't a "cinema arts" project as much as a "narrative design" project.
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