Monday, September 04, 2006

Meh... [video]

Shot our practical effects at the church on Wednesday. We had only four shots planned but it took forever and didn't come out all that well. Of course, with the stories about Jaws' Bruce the shark and Star War's R2D2, I wasn't expecting much to go right with ambulatory practical effects in the first place. But in this case, it was less about the operation of the practical effect and more about the disconnect between the intended effect and what was visually possible during the shoot. After more than 20 takes, the best bird shot just looks like a blob flying past the window, not the mysterious silhouette I was hoping for. And the food coloring/karo syrup blood on the window looked like, well, karo syrup. In person the fake blood was as dark as we could make it—green actually. On tape it looks like clear sticky, liquid. On a positive note, Sean and I made lollipops with the karo syrup on Saturday. The shots may actually be usable. I'm not sure. Or I may try to do the bird shot as a composite.

[view flying blob bird shot]

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