Friday, August 18, 2006

First he looks. Then he looks again. Then—and this is good—he looks at something + more on stillness.

If I had to pitch this project it would probably sound like the title of this post. Been editing the church scene. It works fine, pretty much like the pre-vis. Now that I see it in context, there seems to be only one action throughout the film--Ben looking at things. I need to think a bit whether I find this a problem or whether this is just the way the story is. That's the joy of independent film I guess. Where else are you going to see a 15 minute film of someone just looking at stuff?

RE: the stillness problem. I found that you can use an almost-still shot as long as it's short. Also the candles help a lot in terms of animating the scene. The second shot of Ben reading shows him turning quickly, with a kind of angularity. That works well too. Angular, precise motion.

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