Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Filmmaking is hazardous to your health

Went to Ben's today to continue working on the red room. I realized it was there where I was getting all of those flea bites. I immortalized them a few days ago in a transparency of my bites that goes in the red room [view]. I can't believe I was letting Sean roll around in that carpet! I went home. Ben is going to flea bomb it tonight. The room stills smells, by the way. I put in 11 pine air fresheners last week. Got the idea from Se7ven. It was kind of a joke I think--dozens of pine air fresheners in a room with the putrefying half dead corpse man. I thought the air fresheners looked nice, but it never occurred to me that their smell would be so strong. Duh. So I painted them with Mod Podge last week hoping to seal them up. It worked only sort-of. Between shooting in cigarette smoke, the haze in a can, the halloween fogger, mega-doses of air freshener, and fleas, this is turning into our own Apocalypse Now. We're already way behind schedule for June. I'm not sure whether Ben is Martin Sheen or Marlon Brando in this metaphor.

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