Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Open wide...

This 16 x 9 takes some getting used to. First there was the framing problem solved by going back to the HDV sony. Then there was the monitoring problem. Well, there is no monitor. I don't even know how to hook one up with this setup. So the computer becomes the monitor and after capturing, I realized the spinner was a little wobbly and going too fast. So after more discussion with Ben and Erik, more changes are in order. We're going to try to increase the size of the disk in the spinner rig to see if that gives us more control. And after looking at the test footage, I've been realizing how I am not used to filling up the 16 x 9 screen. My framing, as with the previs is all for 4 X 3. So I'm wondering if I can take advantage of it. Maybe it would be nice to project a spinner "shadow" onto the back wall like a spatial montage? You can see the wobby spinner test here.

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