Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I am not immune to this malaise

When I was in grad school in the nineties I didn't have a scanner so I used to go to the computer lab to scan everything I needed in batches. When I needed a font like Bodoni, I would go to a lab, type out the word in Bodoni and then save it as a Photoshop file so I could take it home. Even in the late 90's at CSUN I used to drive 30 miles to ITR to burn backup CD-ROMs. Today it's almost too easy to make things. There's something very un-motivating about having Garage Band sitting on every Mac. Without any significant investment of time, energy or money—without cost—creativity becomes an ever-present possibility that exists in an always-out-of-reach future. Creativity then becomes a purely aesthetic effort divorced from financial and other decisions. It's almost like creativity works better when things aren't too easy.

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