I shot the bottom two tonight.
Last night I was shooting the tape recorder close up and one of the Omnis blew out. So I stopped by Samys this afternoon to pick up another bulb. While there I noticed they had C-stands for $129 which is fairly cheap. I've always been annoyed by C-stands. They seem needlessly overbuilt and expensive—why isn't there anything smaller and cheaper (a B-stand?). But I've always wanted one so I bought it. Tonight I reshot the close ups I did last night. Last night's stuff was so ugly it just annoyed me. So I took my time, used the C-stand to hold a bounce card, and tried several options. The C-stand worked great. I wish I had another. The shot came out nicely. It was the first time I successfully used a gel for an effect. After trying red and blue, it was yellow that gave me what I wanted. Plus, for whatever reason, putting a shadow over half of the recorder made it look better. Why is that? I then cut the footage into the final exposition sequence and it worked well. It was so nice and the music was dreamy and it made me happy and emotional. And I started making everything slower. I had done a lot of speed-up/strobe type effects in After Effects for this sequence and had kept them fast in Final Cut. But I slowed those down giving those shots an odd simultaneously fast and slow appearance. So a nice evening shooting and editing. Maybe it was the ice cream.
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