Thursday, July 21, 2011

Live blogging Unknown [spoilers]

I was chatting with Siwaraya. She had to put me on hold so I started live blogging Unknown. This would be a good way to think about how an audience engages with a film. Maybe a good assignment. You can see the questions and assumptions one makes when watching a film.

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Starting from about a third of the way in....

haven't decided whether this sucks or not

Where is this thing going?

 You go Liam

What is he carrying?

Sick of shaky cam

Is this the same movie as Taken?

Yeah, just follow the clues

If he's really dead I'm going to scream

They wouldn't do that would they?

How much cash does this guy carry around?

Of course the cab driver looks like a movie star

She looks like Natalie POrtman

Why her? Why the loose end?

Doesn't make sense

Terrible accent, who is this actress? [found out later she actually speaks German]

Yeah, as if that's youtube

Nosy, very nosy

She's a goner

 OK, if you didn't know that was going to happen...

What this movie needs is mor rack focuses

Yeah, but you know in Taken...

He was supposed to be an ex CIA operative

Great, now it's a buddy film

Next they're going to be kissing

that scene in the hopsital was important...

At least we know he's not dead

Car chase--fills time

You sure this isn't Date Night?

Destroyed cars means high production values

She really looks like Natalie POrtman right?

At a certain point you might think he'd stay away from cars…

Now entering German disco circa 1996

People only dance like that in movies… with their arms waving in the air

code = lame

Yeah, so she was a plant….


"but i really fell in love with you…."

Oh puh leeze

Yea, like it's still going to be there

Oh oh…. BOOM!

The tick tock music lets you know

That's Carl Reiner

Now's the time for your drug

No, not Carl Reiner

Edward Platt? (joke)

The end for him

Yeah that's love...

and all that crap

Mr. Rack Focus is back.

Go Natalie

Yeah, that's always a good idea

Remember what happened last time you drove

Who said the academic life is dull?

I should have known when he called himself "Dr"

Oh that explains it

How Total Recall

I thought I recognized the black guy

You know, with the alien hand.

If this wre Inception that truck would…

Oh forget it

Simple test: tell us about biotechnology

They all look like Jaylo

an unkempt Pierce Brosnan

Yeah, the blinky lights...

Because secret things need to blink to work

That's the slowest copying OS I've ever seen

Yay! Sugar for all!

Green wire? What green wire?

How old is this guy anyway?

You thought quals was hard

That is the worst effect I've ever seen

Monsanto, they're talking about you

OK, but they're getting together right?

All in all, really dumb